Another meeting of the Balt Seminar was held on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, organized by the Department of Balt Archaeology of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw and the University of Warsaw Institute of Archaeology. In their presentation Anna Bitner-Wróblewska, Marcin Engel and Cezary Sobczak reported on the progress of this year’s research made within the project Polish-Norwegian Modern Archaeological Conservation Initiative “Archaeology of Yatvings”; Martin Gollwitzer gave a presentation on the structure of archaeology in Norway, legal regulations in archaeological heritage protection and non-destructive methods used in Norwegian archaeology. Dr M. Gollwitzer is a representative of one of our Norwegian Partners – Vest Agder Regional Council, Department of Monument and Sites in Kristiansand. Special interest of the seminar participants was raised by the differences between the legal and administrative solutions of Norwegian archaeology and the situation in Poland. During the break they were invited to look at the iron artefacts recovered during this year’s fieldwork at Skomack Wielki and Szurpiły.