The international research conference “Archaeology of Yatvings in the wider perspective” was held 14–15 April 2016 in the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw to recapitulate the outcomes of interdisciplinary studies completed within the “Yatving Archaeology” project.
The research conference “Archaeology of Yatvings in the wider perspective” will be held in the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw on 14–15 April 2016.
The exhibition Yatvings. The Forgotten Warriors opened on 16 March 2016 at the Midgard Historical Centre in Borre (Norway).
The exhibition Yatvings. The Forgotten Warriors opened on 15 December 2015 in the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw.
The exhibition Yatvings. The forgotten warriors tells the story of this most powerful of Old Prussian tribes reconstructed from archaeological evidence and the latest findings made by historians. During the early Middle Ages the pagan Yatving horsemen-warriors spread terror in their region and have been described in chronicles and other documents of the age as ruthless raiders.

On 9-14 September 2015 Project Team members took part in a field workshop organized by the Department of Monuments and Sites of the Vest-Agder Regional Council. The Norwegian Partners presented a number of important aspects of the activity of the conservation services in Vest-Agder and reported on the status of archaeological research in their region. There was also a discussion about a future exhibition and publications planned within the Project. The Polish guests presented their report on current progress of the work made within the Project, in particular, on the results of non-invasive research and excavations carried out so far. Also discussed was the methodology of archaeological research in Norway and Poland, with some exchange of experience.
An archaeological workshop held last May at Szurpiły was attended by guests from Lithuania and Norway. Saulius Vadišiš and Dr Gintautas Vėlius from the State Cultural Reserve of Kernavė (Kernavė Archaeological Site) and Professor Gintautas Zabiela from the Klaipeda University gave presentations on Lithuanian hillforts and conservation measures taken to preserve this type of site (e.g., regular deforestation). This was followed by a report on the progress in hillforts research in Norway given by Dr M. Gollwitzer, a representative of one of our Norwegian Partners – Vest Agder Regional Council, Departments of Monuments and Sites in Kristiansand. The Polish-Norwegian Modern Archaeological Conservation Initiative “Archaeology of Yatvings” and its current results were discussed by Anna Bitner-Wróblewska, Marcin Engel and Cezary Sobczak.
Another meeting of the Balt Seminar was held on Wednesday, 26 November 2014, organized by the Department of Balt Archaeology of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw and the University of Warsaw Institute of Archaeology