The exhibition Yatvings. The Forgotten Warriors opened on 16 March 2016 at the Midgard Historical Centre in Borre (Norway). A welcoming address from Nils Anker, the Director of Vestfold Museums was followed by a brief report on the organization of the exhibition and the Polish-Norwegian cooperation given by Anne Doksrød, the Director of the Midgard Center, and by Wojciech Brzeziński, the Director of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. Interwoven with the opening speeches was a performance of classical music given by Åshild Øjerud and Jon A. Bjerva. The opening ceremony of the exhibition was performed by Rune Hogsnes and Are Karlsen from the local authorities and Dominik Słupek from the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo. The guests were given a tour of the exhibition by Anna Arnestad of the Midgard Centre and Marcin Engel, the Exhibition Curator from the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. The opening was attended by a large public of Norwegian guests and members of the Polish community from the Vestfold County.